Sunday, January 4, 2009

i am a dramatic person,that much i can deal with. i get wound up easily. i'm annoyed easily so can you people all just fuck off and stop pressing my god damn fucking buttons!!¬¬
*deep breath*
now that that's out of my system,i woke up to a clean bed room for the first time in god knows how's nice,i think i'll keep it this way :]
so..i've all these records and no bluetack,not to self :buy some tomorrow!

i love lazy days,i pigged out all day and felt sorry for myself!brought a big jar of nutella and a spoon,cuddled up in my duvet that smells really nice [due to my mam buying new stuff that leaves duvets smelling nice?lol] and watching pirates of the carribean and the goonies on repeat. i was the happiest girl alive for a while today lol.

i've realised i've an unhealthy obession with putting all my songs into different playlists :S playlist today? : cathy davey ft. the red hot chilli's and some beck.

now....where's my nutella!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:L awh your so cute!

yeah, im obsessed with playlists...

my lullabies playlist, feel good girl singers music, songs i like to sing playlist, retro sogns playlist..:L xox