Tuesday, January 27, 2009

got that tuesday feeling!

since when did desperate housewives become soppy?and people here are so emotional latley..it's actually wierd,something in the water perahaps?
i fucking hate trying to type really quietly ¬¬ but sure no matter!

ahh song school today!^^ it was well cool,and and annddddd who's getting their song recorded?chyeah..that's right me!lol.sorry i want to be smug for a while lol!yeah..we had to make up songs and shite and we get them recorded i love my group :]
missed pe today...SCOREE!!!no more gaelic for me!^^ fuck i hate it..and i swear to god i've got this bad luck streak...everytime i play that game,i get injured somehow!i'm tellin' ye..one of these days i'll be in a hopital over it!lol.

i've realise i spend far too much of my life watching movies!they leave standards far too high and there always really sad cute "i want a boy" films or just sad..films lol!
speaking of which my god,i sat and watched missippi burning last night and i've never been so fucking pissed in my entire life!!
watch it you'll unterstand!

the new cadburys add is the best thing since fucking sliced bread!!!pure genius!^^

Saturday, January 24, 2009

i try to be nice,i try to be civil all for what??for it to be thrown back into my face!last time i try to do something nice..well for you anyways ¬¬
and ugghhh i've got a cold!i have a sudden urge to do drama though...but i think it's a bit late for me to be starting :S bollocks.
i've decided i'm dedicating an entire wall to fruit salad bar!
i want a punk!lol...chance of coming across one of those here damn!

goal:speak french fluently!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


man,i feel sick but i'm hungry...but i'm sick so i can't actually eat anything!dammit!¬¬
i think i've a new obession with blondie!good suff.

good buzz!

ah man,today was a good day!:L
and guess what...i don't have any school all this week,why?because i'm on work exp!and *drumrolls* i'm a florist!^^
which basically means i make basket flowers and paper wraps and i get to smell really nice after work!:]
i felt really old today on my lunch walking through the marshes seeing all these twenty something or other year olds all in town doing nothing and then me a goon of a fifteen year old pottering around with my head in the clouds walking into walls and taking chairs with me.
yeah..i had a bit of an embarassment today,was on my way to talk to the bagel bar staff and i kinda like actually no,i haven't a notion how it happend but i ended up dragging like two chairs and one fell and made a really big bang and everyones head turned and i could feel my cheeks burning with embarasment soooo...i drowned my sorrows in some killer ice-cream!:]
good buzz?kinda lol.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


yet another bad start for me...it really isn't my week,and the worst part is,i've another three years in dundalk and i'm not sixteen for another few months so yeah ahhh!!!¬¬
i'm begining to really dislike school..and my english teacher ugh.
and why is dundalk so cold!i'm sorry for anyone that reads this but i'm just not having a good week..and i know everyone had their own bad ones but i'm too emotional for my own good and i can't help it and ugh.
at leats i haven't got school next week i guess...a whole week in a florists,might be interesting.
i miss people...and i shouldn't but i do!somebody slap them thoughts out of my head please!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


and one more thing!i'm soo sorry for anyone who has to hear me go on about these things i really am lol.

not a good day.

ahhrrrgghh....today was not a good day,after i've sat thinking about everything that's going on it's really not a good start to 2009.
i HATE annoying people who pretend to act stupid because they think it's funny and that everyone love them for it.
i HATE control freaks who takes over everything and thing there just bloody brilliant when there clearly not like come on..state.
i HATE when i go on rants i can't help it and i fucking HATE my self pity moods but i've just gone insane lately. and to be quite honest i'm so sick of singleness it's unreal all i want is a guy that makes me smile that makes me happy and can i find him any where?...NO!!!
and then i go and find a secret blog which i'm sorry but yuo could have at least changed names or something that was so harsh and bitchy you silly fucking tramp.
i'm in desperate need of something sugary or chocolatly but theres nothing to eat in my god damn house and i'm sick of it!!!
and to top it all off i was stuck minding a three year old or for some fucking reason is obessed with the fucking wiggles and fireman sam!!ahh today is not a good day!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


arrrggghh!i'm so fucking annoyed!!
i hate peoples falseness,lies and what i did had to be done...right?
i can't sleep i hate saturdays!!why can't jasper be in dundalk lol.

man...it's officall i have now become a proud tea-a-holic!lol,alex see what you do to people?and i've discovered i have an unhealthy obession with the home bakery and chocolate cake O_o

i loved the store today :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

school...wasn't actually half bad today!although my god was it cold outside!!brr...
stupid teacher making me take off my hat!mhm!!lol.
i really need to learn how to dye my hair properly..and not miss half my head!!ahh man...

mhm...need food.

Monday, January 5, 2009


today was nice!peacefull and strange lol. i really don't think anything beats catching up with friends on a trip home bakery and costa :]
damn those fucking pink flakey's are soooo nice!!!whoahhh....i was a bit of a pig today and had like three.oh well,holidays: it's an excuse i guess!^^
i want my guitar :( it's taking it's time to come back in stock i#ll fucking say that much!

mhm...chicken noodle soup!!there's no nice bread in the house..like what the fuck!all i ask of is to wake up go down stairs for some bread,well normal bread like white bread..or brown bread,i'll even eat that!but no what do i get?wierd sad excuse of brown bread with like seeds and stuff in them..dodgey much?
i couldn't have my nutella lol.so please...buy some normal food??lol.

dvd player broke!!:O how will i live!!!!*sniff*and i ran out of credit..not only that but my free call and texts are gone too,not the best of evenings i've had!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

i am a dramatic person,that much i can deal with. i get wound up easily. i'm annoyed easily so can you people all just fuck off and stop pressing my god damn fucking buttons!!¬¬
*deep breath*
now that that's out of my system,i woke up to a clean bed room for the first time in god knows how long.it's nice,i think i'll keep it this way :]
so..i've all these records and no bluetack,not to self :buy some tomorrow!

i love lazy days,i pigged out all day and felt sorry for myself!brought a big jar of nutella and a spoon,cuddled up in my duvet that smells really nice [due to my mam buying new stuff that leaves duvets smelling nice?lol] and watching pirates of the carribean and the goonies on repeat. i was the happiest girl alive for a while today lol.

i've realised i've an unhealthy obession with putting all my songs into different playlists :S playlist today? : cathy davey ft. the red hot chilli's and some beck.

now....where's my nutella!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

mhmm funn!

i miss the box of pity!
being boy repelent is so not fun.lexi,i share your pain love!lol.
lesbian couples lol...good excuse.